We Have Some Awards

We are very honored and would like to thank Wayward Dogs for nominating this blog for the Blog on Fire Award. They have a great blog so drop in and say HI Smile 


Blog On Fire Award

The rules for the award are to share 8 unusual things about yourself and/or your pet and pass the award along to other bloggers.

1. We love being part of the blog world!

2. Cheyenne barks more as she gets older, maybe she just has more to say Winking smile

3. Maia loves her Aunt Cheyenne.

4. Riva makes Maia tow the line.

5. Titan is doing awesome with his training and loves to work!

6. This is hard since I have told you all so much over the past year or so.

7. Maia, Titan and their siblings will be a year old in a couple of weeks.

8. I love dark chocolate!! I probably have told you that before but chocolate always bears repeating Smile

Okay as I read these none are all that unusual but it’s the best I can do!


For this award I would like to offer it to anyone who would like to have it. You are all so wonderful and are truly on fire!! And again thank you Wayward Dogs for this awesome award we greatly appreciate it!


We were also awarded The Addictive Blog Award by Dogdaz, she has a wonderful zoo of animals so check them out and say HI! Smile


And as with most awards on the blogosphere, there are some rules that one must follow to accept:

1. Thank the giver who has bestowed on us this award – so, thank you again DogDaz.

2. Link back to the blog that awarded you, DogDaz Blog, Done!

3. Talk about why I blog and why I started blogging (see below).

I started this blog as a way to follow my adventure in breeding Riva, I really had no idea what I was doing and still don’t some days…LOL I feel like it has helped me become a better writer, which was not my goal but a nice perk I guess that happened along the way.  And as it turns out I have made a bunch of friends that I would soon become addicted to reading their blogs and feel like I am part of the adventures they have!

4. Post the Award (see above).

5. Nominate 10 other bloggers for the award.

I read so many wonderful blogs and I know some of you have recently received this award so I will try not to repeat so those who may not have received it can share in the LOVE Red heart

Sand Spring Chesapeake’s Blog

Will and Eko

Paws to Talk

Doggone Artsy Photography for Dog Lovers


Easy Weimaraner


Gone For A Walk

Georgia About

Long Life Cats and Dogs

Wayward Dogs

Okay I can’t count Winking smile but any way these are my pics in no particular order and there are many more I could add to the list because you are all to wonderfully addictive!

Yeah Another Award!

Our friends Chuck and the Collie’s have nominated this blog for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. very-inspiring-blogger-award

We are so humbled to receive this award and honored that they think we are inspiring. If you have never visited the Collies of the Meadow I urge you to do it very soon. There are a lot of wonderful stories of the Collies told not only by Chuck but the Collies too with great photos of everyone.

I don’t see any rules to this award except to share so here are a few blogs I have been following that I find very inspiring…

The Lonely Dogs she shares her life with 23 rescue dogs and tells their story through photos.

Spiderpaw’s Blog he is a fabulous photographer that captures some pretty cool stuff and shares with the rest of the world.

Midwestheaven this is a new blog so everyone pay her a visit and say HI, she writes very passionately about her topics and she has a bulldog, a kitty and a horse, I’ll let you discover the rest.

So there are my picks and I hope if you haven’t already checked them out pop over and give them a look see.

Blog on Fire

What a wonderful surprise, we were awarded the Blog on Fire Award, well Cheyenne was for her birthday! This award comes to us from our new friend Easy Rider, who is a Weimaraner that lives in Brittany and has great adventures with his staff in tow, so pop over and check him out! The rules are pretty simple for this award, share five things about yourself, pass it on and link back to the blog that awarded it to you.


Since this was a birthday gift for Cheyenne I think it is only fitting that the five things are about her…

1. She used to be very quiet but then Riva came and she found her voice.

2. Loves to retrieve ducks and geese!!

3. Would like to get rid of the new additions Winking smile

4. Wishes she had her own pond.

5. Loves watermelon Smile


And now for our picks, the rules do not say how many so we have a few in no particular order…

2 Brown Dawgs these brown dogs are on fire with training!

Bassas blog a Caucasian Shepard that’s on fire with her observations of aliens in her neighborhood!

Bongo dog blog is on fire with his keen observations on their trail walks!

bumpy road to bubba is on fire with visitors to their blog!

Collies of the Meadow is on fire with his stories of his wonderful Collie’s!

Georgia About is on fire with the magnificent photos and recipes of their country!

Jodi Stone life with Sampson and Delilah…the 411 well Jodi is mock 10 with her hair on fire!

Raising Poppy Seed is a wee little puppy on fire growing up!

Tylersat99’sblog these are two very beautiful Newf’s on fire…well because it is to darn hot with all that hair!

Congratulations to all of you!

ABC Blogger Award

Another catch up post…awards. This one was shared by Laurie Bartolo quite some time ago, it is the ABC – Awesome Blog Content Award. Laurie, who if you don’t know is an amazing photographer, you can check her work out at Doggone Artsy – Photography for Dog Lovers and awesome blog content is what you will find on her blog. This is a fun award and we thank Laurie for sharing it.


The rules of this award are  simple:
There is no limit to how many fellow bloggers you pass this on to.
Share some things about you, but alphabetically, just a word or two starting with each letter of the alphabet…..

Animal lover


Care giver













Positive attitude

Quiet (sometimes)






Wacky on occasion

Xuberant (okay I know that’s not the correct spelling but x is hard Winking smile)

Youthful (in my head Smile)

Zany (yea well same as wacky but running out of words)

Now comes the real fun part…sharing! I would like to share this with everyone so we all might get to know each other just a little better, so help yourself to the award and I hope to be reading some of your ABC posts very soon. If you have already done this award don’t feel the need to repeat (unless you want to) just give a link to your post.


Playing Catch Up

Well I am finally finished with school, I am now officially a college graduate with my Associates of Applied Science as a Medical Insurance Specialist. Commencement was this past Friday evening and I ended up graduating with honors; Summa Cum Laude. It consumed a great deal of my time but all worth it in the end!

Hopefully I will be able to get back to blogging more regularly and get caught up on reading everyone’s blogs. I have missed this more than blogging myself, I feel out of the loop and I have missed all the wonderful posts and pictures Sad smile

I am anxious to really get busy on training with Maia and Titan and blog all about it Smile

First thing I would like to do in playing catch up is to thank Just Ramblin for bestowing upon this blog the “Creative Capture Blogging Award”. What a great surprise and honor that we can display this award in our sidebar.

Second is to thank Bassas Blog for awarding us their wonderful “You Make Me Shine Award” this award will also be a great honor to display in our sidebar. Happy one year anniversary of blogging Bassa and tall person! Smile Smile

Both of these are wonderful blogs and if you haven’t visited them I encourage you to do it soon!

Now I hope I haven’t forgotten how to add pictures to my sidebar…lol