Ro-Lyns Cheyenne Mtn Dreams WD

July 7, 2003 ~ May 25, 2016

CH Tealwaters Timberdoodle Song X CH Ro-Lyns Mtn Dreams Echoing


Cheyenne is my sassy back talker and the older she gets the worse it gets! She loves to go everywhere with me and hates when I leave her behind, I really hear about it when I return. She loves the rest of the family but shes pretty much my girl. She is an avid swimmer and retriever.


I began her field training when she was six. It was a very slow go in the beginning and I was just about to give up when our trainers and good friends Dave & Michelle Keehn over at Dusty Rose K-9 Trainers decided to shackle a live duck and see if that would get her excited to retrieve. Well the first toss she ran out looked at it sniffed it and came back without it, my heart sunk and I thought she is never going to retrieve but then they decided to bring out their dog Dutch to show her how it is done. The duck was tossed, Dutch made her retrieve and the light came on for Cheyenne. They threw the duck for Cheyenne, she ran out picked it up and brought it back to within about five feet of me, I could have leaped for joy my girl finally retrieved! Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks!!


In 2012 Cheyenne earned her Working Dog Certification, you can read about it here


Cheyenne Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Photo Courtesy of Michelle Keehn~Dusty Rose Chessies


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