This ‘N That Thursday

Today we are joining our friends over at 2 Brown Dawgs for This ‘N That Thursday’s blog hop!

This is what she has to say about the hop,

A little of this and a little of that and everything in between…

Finally the big day is here, my niece and nephew arrived at our house last night about 9:30. Wow have they grown from two years ago. I didn’t have time to get a new photo today but check back tomorrow for Follow-up Friday and I will have one. They will be here for the next seven weeks and although that sounds like a long time I know it will fly by.

Riva, Maia and Cheyenne were barking at the kids when they first came in and then Hailee kissed Riva on the nose and she started smiling and was so excited to see her girl. You see Riva is only my dog when Hailee is not here, when she is around I am just an old shoe in Riva’s eyes Winking smile  Cheyenne barks just to hear herself and she continued for a little bit with the barking but all the time she was pushing in to get petted. It took Maia a little bit to realize that Schawn and Hailee were not aliens and if you warm up you get goodies. I told them to just ignore her and let her come to them on her own terms and sure enough pretty soon she was coming up poking Hailee’s hand so she would pet her. She even gave some big smiles!

Schawn likes the dogs but he is not in to all the training and dog show stuff. Although he will throw ducks for us and he has a pretty good arm. He goes with me to training on occasion but would much rather hang out with his older cousin and play video games…boys!

Today Hailee and I are going out to see Titan and do some training so my post is short but I hope to make up for it tomorrow with a whole lot of photos.

I am slowly catching up…well at least I am trying! I hate getting behind but I have had so much going on lately with my mom with her eye surgery and the kids coming time just gets away from me.

Well that’s it for now, so why don’t you hop in over to 2 Brown Dawgs grab the badge and join us for the hop.

This is a Blog Hop!

This 'N That 3

Thanks 2 Brown Dawgs

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Introducing Misty Shores Majestic Java


I absolutely love puppy updates and photos!! I received an email from one of the puppy people and this is what she said…

“He’s an absolutely wonderful dog, and we all love him!”


“We all absolutely love him, but one of my sons in particular seems to be ‘taking over’ the ownership of him. Nathan just adores Java!”

Java, don’t you just love that name, really suits him! When he was still here he had a couple different names, I called him two toes because he had two toes with just a couple white hairs and then when he went to Tennessee for a few weeks my friends called him Wilbur because he squealed like a little pig Winking smile

Java has turned out to be a very handsome boy, but I knew he would, of course I am very partial! The next photo is the one I took the day he went to his new home and family. DSCN0697

Java’s family and the beginning to a wonderful new life!





I guess he’s a Michigan fan Smile




I thought about what I would post for the 4th of July and I remembered this commemorative speech I had to give last year and thought it would be very fitting for this holiday. This speech had to be no more than five minutes long, not less than four and given without the use of notes but we could use visuals, so in the background as I gave the speech I had a PowerPoint of pictures playing (I trimmed the video so I could add music). I hope you enjoy it!


Today I would like to share my deep appreciation for all of our men and women who have served and continue to serve in our armed forces. It is because of these most amazing people that you and I enjoy our freedoms. Our service people come from all walks of life, ethnic and religious backgrounds but in the name of peace and freedom they lay their differences aside and fight side by side to assure our country and its peoples’ peace and freedom.

Can you imagine leaving your family; husband, wife, children, mother, father, brother, sister for six months to four years to go to a far away country with people you don’t know, to carry 80-100 pounds of gear on your back, trudging across deserts or swamps all day and at times all night, sleeping on a cot or on the ground and eating only if there is time. There are many Americans who gladly do this out of a sense of duty to this great nation so you and I can walk down the streets without fear, eat dinner with our families, laughing and talking about the day’s events and sleep in a warm bed at night feeling safe and secure.

We sit in a restaurant complaining about the food, our troops are thankful for the food they receive, we get impatient standing in the long line at the store, our troops gladly stand and walk for hours at a time, they gave up the conveniences we take for granted to defend this great nation.

We all know who George Bush, Hillary Clinton and Arnold Schwarzenegger are but do you know who Lloyd Lamphere, Stacy Lawson, Jerry Turner and Darlene Weidmayer are? These are just a few of the many tens of thousands who have defended this great nation selflessly; their courage has no bounds and I am very grateful and proud of these great Americans. These are the people who make me proud to call myself an American.

As the song goes “all gave some and some gave all”. Truer words have never been spoken; this is what our armed forces do for each and every one of us every day. There is a price to be paid for freedom and that price is blood and every generation must pay this price. These brave men and women sacrifice without question so you and I can live in peace and freedom.

We often forget this because our troops are so far away and we get caught up in our day to day lives. We’re only reminded when a tragedy hits the media but when the news dies down we slip back into our own little worlds again. But the families of these soldiers never forget, they are reminded every day when they wake up and their loved ones are not home yet. Somewhere there is a little boy or girl wondering if their mommy or daddy will be home for Christmas.

It is up to all of us to support our troops, so the next time you see our flag flying high remember to say thank you to all the men and women serving in all branches of the military.

And may God bless these great Americans and continue to bless the United States of America!



Where Does The Time Go!

I have fallen so far behind in writing in my blog but the bright side is I finally caught up on reading everyone’s posts on their  blogs.

I have been getting puppies ready for their new homes. These are the two that have gone since my last post. This first little guy went to a great family in Georgia, I forgot to ask what they named him when I called the other day. His new dad said things were going great and he was fitting right in. I wait about a week and then call to check that things are working out for everyone. Why I wait a week, well the first couple of days can be rough (those of you who have brought home new puppies know what I mean Winking smile) since the puppy is leaving their litter mates and the only world they have known since birth so waiting gives time for everyone to get adjusted.  I will check again in a couple of weeks and then my hope is my puppy people will stay in contact periodically to update me, especially with pictures Smile So here is the first family with their little deadgrass male, he left the day before Thanksgiving.


a little fuzzy because my hands were shaking a bit.

The next little guy left the Monday after Thanksgiving. He went to a great couple in South Carolina who have an older Chessie named Baxter. They had a name picked out for him before picking him up, his name is “Tebow”. I know I will hear more about Tebow because his new dad and I became friends on facebook Smile Tebow is doing very well so far and they love him dearly!!


I will be posting a little backwards as I had some posts I wanted to get up before now but alas the time slipped away and I wanted to update on the new homes first. So no it won’t be you who is backwards…it’s me Winking smile