Introducing Misty Shores Majestic Java


I absolutely love puppy updates and photos!! I received an email from one of the puppy people and this is what she said…

“He’s an absolutely wonderful dog, and we all love him!”


“We all absolutely love him, but one of my sons in particular seems to be ‘taking over’ the ownership of him. Nathan just adores Java!”

Java, don’t you just love that name, really suits him! When he was still here he had a couple different names, I called him two toes because he had two toes with just a couple white hairs and then when he went to Tennessee for a few weeks my friends called him Wilbur because he squealed like a little pig Winking smile

Java has turned out to be a very handsome boy, but I knew he would, of course I am very partial! The next photo is the one I took the day he went to his new home and family. DSCN0697

Java’s family and the beginning to a wonderful new life!





I guess he’s a Michigan fan Smile



Puppy Photo Update


This is Bitsy and her new brother Trail. It took Trail a while to decide this jumping, nipping little squirt is really a whole lot of fun to play with.


This is Clyde and his new sister Ginger. He is doing a great job keeping her warm. He is really turning out nice, big solid handsome boy!


These photos made my day, I am so proud of their new families for taking such good care of my babies Smile

The Last One Leaves The Nest

Bitter sweet day for me today, my last puppy went to his forever home with a very nice family. He was really working it, giving them puppy kisses and rolling over so they could give him belly rubs. He will have two nine year olds to play with him and love him.


What a nice way to start the New Year!

Wordless Wednesday ~ A Little Yard Work

Bitsy-Jack & Ellen-One week

This is Bitsy at her new forever home

Sent to me by her new forever mom & dad

Where Does The Time Go!

I have fallen so far behind in writing in my blog but the bright side is I finally caught up on reading everyone’s posts on their  blogs.

I have been getting puppies ready for their new homes. These are the two that have gone since my last post. This first little guy went to a great family in Georgia, I forgot to ask what they named him when I called the other day. His new dad said things were going great and he was fitting right in. I wait about a week and then call to check that things are working out for everyone. Why I wait a week, well the first couple of days can be rough (those of you who have brought home new puppies know what I mean Winking smile) since the puppy is leaving their litter mates and the only world they have known since birth so waiting gives time for everyone to get adjusted.  I will check again in a couple of weeks and then my hope is my puppy people will stay in contact periodically to update me, especially with pictures Smile So here is the first family with their little deadgrass male, he left the day before Thanksgiving.


a little fuzzy because my hands were shaking a bit.

The next little guy left the Monday after Thanksgiving. He went to a great couple in South Carolina who have an older Chessie named Baxter. They had a name picked out for him before picking him up, his name is “Tebow”. I know I will hear more about Tebow because his new dad and I became friends on facebook Smile Tebow is doing very well so far and they love him dearly!!


I will be posting a little backwards as I had some posts I wanted to get up before now but alas the time slipped away and I wanted to update on the new homes first. So no it won’t be you who is backwards…it’s me Winking smile