This ‘N That Thursday


Well it’s that time again…



Last week in my This ‘N That Thursday I posted about my stats and I am happy to say that I have surpassed 50 followers this past week, wahooo!!!

As you know from my post Going Live, I have been working on getting the hang of Twitter and I do have some followers there as well but I gotta tell ya it sure is a lot to keep up with Winking smile I really appreciate everyone’s comments and helpful hints.

I visited Titan the other day and he is doing great! Did a little work with Cheyenne and she did do better than last week but I think the old dog “I no longer have to listen” has kicked in…LOL We’ll keep at and hopefully she will straighten out before the WD. We had a total of nine training dogs running, here is a video of the dogs that trained that day, well except for Cheyenne since I was the one running her I opted not to try to take pictures at the same time.


Hero Dog

With all the negative media out there regarding Pit Bulls I thought I would post this link about a very positive and wonderful story about a dog named Titan (pretty cool my boys shares his name). I enjoy reading these stories that have such a happy ending and show the true nature of a dog raised right. Enjoy!!


Hero pit bull rewarded for saving his owner’s life twice


So that raps up my This ‘N That Thursday, how’s your week?