Wordless Wednesday ~ Will I Ever Get My Girlie Figure Back


Will She Ever Have Her Girlie Figure Again?


It is official, Riva is no longer nursing! I know she is probably happy about this but she is so full of milk she is uncomfortable, poor baby. I will be glad when she dries up so she can start to get her tuck up back. I tried bringing one pup at a time in my room to sit on the bed with us to play and get lovins but as soon as they see her they think food. They become very squirmy and just want to get to Riva so back to the pen they go and at this point she wants nothing to do with the whole nursing thing; SHE IS DONE! Maybe after a few more days they will get past it…not Eye rolling smile

I will probably have to have her stay out of my room while I bring pups in.

Thankful she seems to be 100% now from the mastitis. She has her last dose of antibiotics tomorrow and then a re-check on Friday.