As 2017 begins I find myself planning for a breeding that will hopefully bring me a new litter of Chesapeake puppies.

One would not think so much goes into breeding dogs but carefully planning a breeding takes a great deal of time and research.

First, I did my health testing on Maia and from that information it allows me to choose a stud dog that would be a genetically good match while complimenting her with physical traits. These are living breathing beings so nothing is 100% but testing makes the chances of producing sound dogs that much better. I have been looking at stud dogs for over two years, I wanted to make sure I left no dog uncovered so to speak. But due to the results of some of Maia’s tests some of these stud dogs would not be compatible genetically. Meaning, I can’t use a dog that is a carrier of the same thing Maia is. They will however remain in my “toolbox” for the future with possibly a different female. You can read about genetic testing and what is in my “toolbox” here.

I have narrowed my search down but I am not ready to divulge the stud dog just yet. I will probably not announce that until after the breeding takes place. Maia will not be in season for a few more months and I don’t want to put the cart before the horse as they say. Anything can happen in those months.

So, while I wait for her biological clock, there are some things I can prepare ahead of time. Something I am very excited to do with this litter is Jane Killion’s Puppy Culture. You may remember reading this on Sand Spring Chessies blog here, and my other friend Deb, did it with her last litter. They both had great things to say about the program. The following is from the Puppy Culture website.

For the breeder…

Puppy Culture represents a gold standard in puppy rearing and early socialization.

We’ve done the research for you and distilled down a hundred years of combined experience into easy to follow protocols. You’ll receive week-by-week and step-by-step instructions, proven by science and experience to ensure the best outcomes for your puppies.

You have more power than you think.

Breeders have more opportunity to make a dramatic impact on a puppy’s ultimate personality than anyone else ever will. By the time the puppy goes to his new home, much of that opportunity has already been lost. Puppy Culture shows you what you need to do, when, in order to take advantage of your power as a breeder.

Preparing your puppy buyers is as important as breeding good puppies.

Nothing’s more frustrating than sending a perfect puppy to new home only to get a phone call months later that the puppy is acting out or having problems. We give you check lists and key points to share with your puppy buyers which will prepare them to follow through with the Puppy Culture program after you send their puppy home with them.

Something you can share with your puppy people.

We answer a lot of the questions puppy buyers commonly have and help them set reasonable expectations for their new puppies. From basic training to finding the right puppy class, your puppy owners are in good hands with Puppy Culture!

We put your passion on film.

Whether its your first litter or your fiftieth, when you look in that whelping box, you see a history of all the dogs you’ve loved, and your hope for the generations to come. You’re not putting puppies on the ground, your putting new relationships into the world. Puppy Culture tells your story in an emotional narrative that will allow anyone who sees it to understand who we are and why we breed dogs.

And for the puppy owner…

Puppy Culture is a guiding hand for you and your puppy

Our team of experts have bred, raised, and trained thousands of dogs, and we’ve know from first hand experience what works best. We make that vast experience available to you, broken down into clear instructions, in short chapters that are easy and fun to watch.

How you teach your puppy is as important as what you teach your puppy

Studies have shown that many common training techniques can actually increase aggression and problem behaviors, which can damage the human-animal bond. The Puppy Culture program will show you how to train your dog while enriching your bond with him, every step of the way.

Real life proof that it works

Most puppy training videos appear to have been shot in one weekend, using a few easy to train puppies.  How do you know those training techniques really work in the long run? Unlike other films, Puppy Culture tracks one litter over three years, so you can see the true results of our program.  You’ll see the puppies overcome real and varied behavior challenges and ultimately grow to gentle, well-behaved adult dogs.

The truth about socialization

During this sensitive time, the puppy is as vulnerable to imprinting negative experiences as he is to imprinting good experiences.  This means you need a good plan for socializing your puppy.  Your Puppy Culture team gives you a plan and guides you through the process.

Learn how to be your puppy’s advocate

it can be difficult to stand up to a person in a position of authority, such as a veterinarian or a dog trainer, but you need to learn what’s right and wrong for your puppy, and stand up against bad advice.  Puppy Culture’s veterinarians, behaviorists, and breeders give you the facts to know when you’re right, and the conviction to walk way from anything that might harm your puppy.

*This information was taken directly from the Puppy Culture website.

I have been reading through the website familiarizing myself with all the information provided. I also follow the posts on their Facebook group. This group is a great resource because people share their experiences using Puppy Culture, you can ask questions and updates and offers are provided by the admin. They offer several different DVD’s and I will be watching those over the months to come. I also like that this is not just for the breeder and they have something for the puppy owner as well.

In preparation I have been collecting things to use for this program, such as jungle gym items, a tunnel, different textures and noise makers and constantly pinning ideas to my Pinterest board “The Whelping Box”.

Another thing I am excited about is building a whelping box. My nephew is taking courses in carpentry so my hope is to have him help me with this. I have some thoughts in mind and have saved a ton of ideas and directions. I want one that can be easily set up and taken down so it lays flat for storage when not in use. Another priority is seating at each corner, let’s face it getting down in the whelping box is not as easy as one might think when it is full of momma and pups. This way friends, family and myself can sit around the box to admire those little brown babies without crowding everyone. The box also needs to be easy to sanitize and clean. So far, the one I have my eye on is something like this

98d95fa594e913770b234af3df7ef190 *Photo courtesy of Google

The thing I like about this box is the seating and the way the heat lamps are suspended so they are out of reach of puppies and not in the mother’s way. I have a different thought on the opening, I would like it a bit wider and made so I can slide the insert in place once puppies are older and moving around. I am still a fan of the pvc pipe pig rails so they can be removed when no longer needed. I think they can be sanitized much easier than wood. The purpose of the pig rail is to keep mom from smashing a puppy against the side of the box and herself, they slide under the rail and moms back pushes against the rail. Still debating on if I want a floor or not. There are pros and cons to either. And of course, I want to decorate it all cutsie once we have it done.

I have been waiting for this breeding for a long time so to say I am very excited about it would really be an understatement. I look forward to sharing this adventure with all of you.

Tina and the Brown Dogs

4 thoughts on “Big Plans For 2017

    1. I am trying not to think of all the work lol but you are right…so worth it. If all goes well I will have at least 2 going to my co-breeders so we will be able to do a lot with them. I am really looking forward to doing the Puppy Culture program. Some of the things I did with the last litter but nothing as in depth as that program. I do have hands on helpers so that should make for some fun times 🙂


  1. all paws and fingers are crossed for a wonderful litter with healthy and funny brown dawgs :o) you are a very careful breeder and I love that you look behind the things to do the best for your pups and for your clients… and I wish all would be like you or JoAnn… and I also wish all this peeps who think to breed is having two dogs and then a torrent of money falls down from heaven would read your posts and they would ponder what breeding really is…

    Liked by 1 person

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