We are so excited that we were nominated by Sand Spring Chesapeakes to be a guest blog on Molly the Wally’s blog for their Share it Sunday blog post; you can find the post here. Molly is a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel mix who seems to have a big heart and very high ambitions Smile Pop on over and give her a read!

Thank you so much Sand Spring Chesapeakes for nominating us we are very honored. If you haven’t checked out their blog you really should, there are four chessies over there also!


28 thoughts on “We are Excited!!

  1. Hi thank you for your kind words. Sorry about the delay bit I posted some more comments this morning. Always a pain because of the time difference. Just pop over and leave me a link with your nomination. We have had three weeks of Chesapeakes so maybe something a little different would be good or I’ll have to re-name it Chesapeakes Sunday. BOL only joking. Lovely to guest your blog and see you next post.
    Best wishes Molly


  2. I discovered your guest post quite by accident when I was “bloggin'” around over the weekend. It reminded me I needed to check in to say hi! I’m so glad your pups got an interview in. I like that they take a personal interest in your “healthcare!” 😀 This lazy Leo needs lots of prompts from Miss Poppy to get moving. No snoozin’ under an acacia tree! 🙂


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