
29 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday ~ Lap Dogs

  1. I have been enjoying your blog for quite some time and seeing your photo captures of the moments you choose to share. This capture is awesome! Reading your posts and sharing in your adventures has been rewarding for me and I believe you deserve the Creative Capture Blogging Award. Please enjoy the fact that someone out here in the blogosphere enjoys your photo captures of the moments you choose to share. Stop by to get your badge if you would like to show others your award status. Keep blogging, keep photographing, and keep sharing. Your moments are wonderful and appreciated! Congratulations and enjoy! : )

    Award Info: https://justramblinpier.wordpress.com/

    Badge: http://justramblinpier.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/creative-award-ii.jpg

    Just Ramblin’


      1. I completely understand that feeling! Work, life, family, etc. tend to take over and it seems the first thing to slide is the blogging. Not to worry…the blogo~sphere is not going anywhere so do what you need to do and enjoy your award. You have an amazing blog and deserve it! : )


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